The Legless Toilet Safety Frame – Make Toileting More Convenient and Safe

A toilet safety frame can help you maintain your balance as you lower yourself to when raising yourself from the toilet seat.

There are several types of toilet safety frames. The most common ones usually come with four legs and anti-slip padding to keep the frame in place as you lean on it. The most preferred ones are legless, such as the award-winning

MOBB Ultimate Toilet Safety Frame.

Its universal fit, strong and stable, supported by steel hardware and the toilet bowl, arm angle which can be swung in or out to give user two width adjustability options, integrated toilet paper holder, left or right side, right and left specific arms, height adjustable, usability with standard toilet seat or with raised toilet seat and its capacity to hold up to 400lbs weight is what makes the MOBB Ultimate Toilet Safety Frame the best option for your safety and convenience. Watch the video guide here and contact us or speak with your therapist or nurse to find out where to get yours today.


Ultimate Toilet Safety Frame

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